The definition of priesthood that I have come to
understand is this: priesthood is the work and means by which God brings to
pass the eternal life of man. When men participate with God in this process of
the salvation of others, they are working within the priesthood.
Some necessary elements of the priesthood, or the work of
bringing to pass the eternal life of a man (and woman), include the following:
§ The
creation of the earth where God’s spirit children would be tested or proved
(Abraham 3:24-26)
§ The
atoning sacrifice and ministry of Jesus Christ (Articles of Faith 3)§ The laws and ordinances of the gospel (Articles of Faith 3) also known as “the way of eternal life” (2 Nephi 10:23) and “the way of salvation” (Acts 16:17)
§ Completion of a successive series of covenant priesthood trials (see Alma 12:9-11 and D&C 84:18, 19, 33)
§ The Holy Ghost, who “is God’s messenger to administer in all those priesthoods” (TPJS, p.323), including the role of The Holy Spirit of Promise that seals all covenants and performances (D&C 132:7)
§ Channel of revelation through which God reveals all saving knowledge (TPJS, p.166-167)
§ The ministry of, communication with, and fellowship with angels in heaven (see D&C 107:18-19, D&C 121:37 and Teachings: John Taylor, chapter 13)
§ Mortal priesthood holders who minister with power because of their godly character (see D&C 121:41-44) and concern for the eternal welfare of the souls of others (see 2 Nephi 1:25, 2 Nephi 2:30 and Alma 34:27)
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