An example of a process on how
to receive revelation:
- Identify a question you would like to ask God (if you have no pressing questions, you could simply ask to feel the presence of God)
- Set aside some time, perhaps 30 minutes or more, to be quiet and alone without distractions
- Choose any of the following activities to “tune in”:
- Listen to an uplifting hymn or other music that is inspirational to you
- Read a short and inspiring passage of scripture, perhaps from the Psalms
- Affirm to yourself your belief that God will commune with you now
- Ponder in your heart to generate feelings of good cheer, comfort, and gratitude
- Ask God to bless other people – include people who could in some way be termed your enemies
- Say a prayer to ask God to cast all evil and unclean spirits away and to shield you from any attempts by evil and unclean spirits to deceive you
- Sit up straight, arms and legs uncrossed, with eyes closed, and breathe deeply for a few minutes
- When you breathe, you can breathe in for a count of six, hold your breath for a count of six, then exhale for a count of six, but use whatever count feels best for you (could be six, eight, ten, etc.)
- Ask God to cleanse you of any sin or darkness and for the Lord to take any from you; ask him if you need to repent of anything before fully communing with him
- Imagine yourself in a peaceful setting, such as a meadow or on the shore of the sea of Galilee or in a temple, where the Lord comes to you and you speak with him
- Ask the Lord the question that you had initially prepared
- Pay attention to the thoughts flowing into your mind and the feelings coming into your heart
- Write down the thoughts that come into your mind in a prayer journal
- After you write down your revelation, ask God if you have accurately recorded the revelation, then make any necessary changes to what you had written
- Ask God in prayer if he has more to say to you, record it in your journal
- Thank the Lord for the revelation he has given you
- Act on any instructions you may have been given
Begin practicing this method or some variation
of it with which you feel comfortable as soon as you can make time
for it.
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